Fly Fishing has been the center of JT Van Zandt's life since 1991. A passionate and patient guide who's sole mission is to share the beauty of the resource with his clients. When you're fishing with a guide, the toughest days are often the most rewarding simply because you're working together as a team. The opportunities can come at any moment so staying focused is important but relaxing and having fun is the point of it all.
JT, based out of Rockport, Texas, ties his own patterns and supplies the finest fly tackle available insuring a top notch angler experience. You need only to step aboard the boat, have a seat and let the beauty of the Texas coast reveal itself before you. If you have any special requirements or requests please let JT know prior to your trip and he will do his best to accommodate.

Fly Fishing the Middle Texas Coast is a world class pursuit with a lifetime of territory to discover. Endless grass shorelines, creeks, lakes and marshes make for a labyrinth of back country sight casting opportunities. Speckled trout, black drum, flounder, ladyfish and sheepshead commingle with the redfish throughout this estuary. Riddled with blue crab, shrimp and various baitfish, the flats are sparkling with life. Endless varieties of coastal birds including white and brown pelicans, roseate spoonbill, heron, egrets, osprey and the majestic whooping crane are common sitings throughout the shallows and add to the enchantment of the experience. Passion, knowledge, determination and patience sum up the qualities of this Captain. Book a trip today and let JT Van Zandt guide you on an essential Texas Fly Fishing adventure.